Bunny and the Sticky Dummy

Moral Stories for Kids - Bunny and the Sticky Dummy - Bedtime Story - Storiesntales

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful jungle. In this jungle, was a smart fox. One day, while this fox was walking steadily in the forest, he found something. It was white. The fox sniffed it. It smelled like jackfruit. It was a big, chunky ball of jackfruit latex. The fox touched it and found out that it was sticky. Having discovered something new, the smart fox took a moment and thought. “Can I do something with this? Of course, I can. What can I do with this?” the fox thought. He got an idea. He smiled and took that ball of jackfruit latex with him…

Like the Poles Cut for the River

Idiom Stories - Like the Poles Cut for the River | storiesntales.com

Once upon a time, there was a family. The land they lived on was quite big and they had grown crops on it. But the problem was that they constantly got animals coming and eating out their crops. They did not have a good fence around the land. So, one day, the father was about to go to a forest uphill to cut down some trees to use as fence posts. Seeing his father go there, the son wanted to join. The father did not like the son coming with him, as the son often does foolish things. However, taking the promise of being smart instead of foolish, the father took the son with him.

The Man Who Left His Cat in the Jungle

storiesntales.com - Folktales for Kids 1: The Man Who Left His Cat in the Jungle - Folktales | Folktale Stories with Moral Lessons | Bedtime Stories for Kids

Once upon a time, in a village, there lived a man. He was married to a lady and they lived in a small house. They had a little cat. And it was a female cat. One day, when the wife came to the kitchen, the cat was caught eating dried fish. The lady scared the cat away. Time passed like this. At times, this cat brings her hunters inside the house and leaves them there. The lady never knew that cats show their love for humans by bringing food …

Benny Reaches the Top

Benny Reaches the Top [Animal Story for Kids] - Storiesntales - Bedtime Stories for Kids, Animal Stories for Kids - storiesntales.com

The day after Benny had to abandon the challenge, Benny was at home all day. He did not feel like going out. Benny knew he did the best thing he could do. But he had been waiting so many days for this expedition. So, he was upset. Meanwhile, Benny’s family was paying attention to him. They knew Benny was upset. Therefore, they decided it was the best time for them to take the news to Benny…

Music from the Forest

storiesntales.com - bedtime stories for kids - music from the forest [exclusive story] - a story about a chinese boy named Chen Xiao who was born into a farming family, but loved music and learned music against all the odds.

Once upon a time, in China, a boy was born into a poor farming family. The boy was named Chen Xiao. In those times, no one could go against the caste system. Children got their parents’ caste and their job. So, this little boy was born to be a farmer. Chen Xiao did not have any siblings. He was the only child. Before he was grown enough to help his parents with farming, Chen used to go to the musician’s house in the village. He stayed at the front gate and sat there on the ground. Chen always loved to sit there and listen to the different sounds of instruments. …

Where Butterflies Got Their Colors

storiesntales.com - fairy tales for kids - where butterflies got their colors - fairytale | bedtime stories for kids

A long time ago, the world was full of magic and wonder. There were no humans or animals in this world. Only the trees, vines, and plants were here. But there was something else. Can you guess what it is? Yes, the fairies and good spirits! They were living in this world everywhere! Those fairies and good spirits did not want to eat or drink anything. They were not like any man, woman, or animal we know. All the fairies could fly with their beautiful wings. All the spirits could disappear and appear anywhere they wanted…

5 Animal Stories for Kids

5 Animal Stories for Kids - storiesntales.com

Kids love animal stories. They love to listen to stories about talking animals, secret jungle gatherings, secret jungle traditions, and jungle expeditions of cute bunnies and bears. And they love them as bedtime stories, too. And they love stories they’ve never heard before. Fulfilling all of those needs, here are five never-heard animal stories for … Read more