Funny Stories of Andare 6: How Andare Saved Himself from the King’s Punishment for Lying

The funny story of how Andare ate curd, one of the best funny stories, comes from Sinhalese folklore. The Stories of Andare are infamous in Sri Lanka and are often used as folktales for kids and even bedtime stories for kids. And if you are seeking folktales from around the world, you don’t want to miss out on the stories for Andare. They are hilarious yet appropriate for everyone. These funny stories revolve around a court jester who crafted laughter by outsmarting others rather than acting like a fool. He was smart, well aware, quick-thinking, poetic, and creative. The following story is about a time when Andare showed his intelligence to the king. Enjoy the story!

One day, when Andare came to the palace, the king was having his meals. With the mouth-watering smell of the royal dishes, Andare was peeking from a window near the dining hall. Seeing Andre The king invited Andare to have some food. But Andare wanted not to look like he was craving the food. Therefore, Andare said, “I am really full, my king.”

But the king knew Andare was lying and asked again to join him. Then Andare pretended to accept the king’s request out of respect. “But, since your majesty is insisting, I will eat a little,” Andare said.

Andare started to eat. The man, who said he was full, ate all the food on the table. The surprised king asked, “You said you were full. But you ate all.”

“Yes, my king, I was full, but this food is so good. I had space for royal dishes. Now I am totally, completely full, my king,” Andare replied.

Meanwhile, the king also finished his meal. So, it was time to have desert. The servants brought the desert to the table. It was a pot full of curd. Seeing that fresh pot of curd, Andare was mouthwatering. The king took a few spoons of curd to his cup and asked Andare to have some curd.

“As your majesty insists,” Andare replied to the king, taking a few spoons of curd to his cup and adding honey. Andare tasted the curd. His taste buds were tingling with the taste. He finished the first cup of curd. Then I went for a second. He kept going until he finished the whole pot of curd. The king was surprised by Andare’s eating ability.

“Andare, you told me you were full and finished all the food on the table. Then you said you were completely full and finished the entire pot of curd,” King said.

“For royal dishes and deserts, my poor stomach always has space, my king,” Andare replied.

The king wanted to have fun fooling Andare. Therefore, he pretended to be angry and asked, “Don’t even try to play me with your tricky words. You lied to me and to my face, saying you were full. You lied to the king. But you weren’t. It is impossible for you to eat that much if you are full. I will punish you for lying to the face of the king,” the king said.

“As I said, there is always space in my tummy for royal food, my king. Allow me to prove it to your highness,” Andare replied.

“Well then. Prove it,” the king said.

“Okay, my king. Ask a guard to put all the men in the prison in a small cell until not a finger can stick in there anymore,” Andare requested. The king ordered the guards to do as Andare said. The guards filled a small room with men until not a finger could be stuck in there anymore and informed Andare. Then Andre and the king went near the prison cell.

“Guards, can you guarantee to your king that not even a finger could be stuck into this room anymore?” Andare asked from the gaurds. Guards said, “Yes, my king, this room is fully packed.”

“Well then. My king, watch this,” Andare said to the king.

“Prisoners, the king wants to touch the opposite wall of this prison cell. Move and give him the way!” Andare ordered the prisoners into the cell. The prisoners moved and cleared a path for the king to go to the other wall. Andare ran into the prison cell, touched the opposite wall and came back. “See my king. I wasn’t lying. Just like a fully packed room full of poor men that was told not a finger could be stuck in had space for the king, my tummy had the space for royal meals,” Andare said.

Amused by Andare’s example The king had no further arguments and offered some gifts to Andare for his intelligence.

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