Funny Stories of Andare 7: Andare Jumped to the Well? - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 7 - how andare tricked his wife / how andare jumped into the well

Once upon a time, there was a man called Andare. He had a habit that his wife was not happy about. He used to come home very late at night. One day the wife got really mad at him. So, she thought of teaching her husband a lesson. She decided not to open the door. “Open up the door!” Andare shouted and banged on the door. But his wife wasn’t the one who opened it…

Funny Stories of Andare 6: How Andare Saved Himself from the King’s Punishment for Lying - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 6 - how andare ate curd and escape the punishment

One day, when Andare came to the palace, the king was having his meals. With the mouth-watering smell of the royal dishes, Andare was peeking from a window near the dining hall. Seeing Andre The king invited Andare to have some food. But Andare wanted not to look like he was craving the food. Therefore, Andare said, “I am really full, my king.” But the king knew Andare was lying and asked again to join him…

Funny Stories of Andare 5: How Andare Planted Coconut, Finding a Hole in King’s Orders - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 5 - how andare planted coconuts

Once upon a time, there was a court jester called Andare. One day, the king ordered all the courtiers to be present in front of him. All the courtiers hurried to see the king as soon as possible. “I will give each of you a piece of land and coconut plants enough for the land. You all should clear the land, plant the coconuts, and take care of them until they bring a harvest.” The king gave his order. Everyone received a piece of land and enough coconut trees to plant on the land. They took the plants to the land and planted them. Among them, Andare was too

Funny Stories of Andare 4: How Andare Turned a Prank Around on the Pranksters - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 4 - how andare pranked the ministers who tried to prank andare

Once upon a time, there was a man called Andare. He was the jester in the royal court, appointed by the king himself. But, unlike usual jesters, this person was different. Instead of acting the fool and making the king laugh, Andare did pranks, tricked, and gave riddles to others, making fun of their lack of critical thinking. He mocked the ministers, the queen, and even the king himself. One day, the ministers of King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe got together on a not-so-busy day. They had time to talk about…

Funny Stories of Andare 3: How Andare Ate Java Apple Using a Loophole in King’s Order - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 3 - how andare ate java apple fooling the king

One day, Andare was walking around the courtyard of the king. There was a Java apple tree full of fruits in the royal garden. By seeing the healthy and well-ripened red java apples, Andare wished to eat them. But the king had ordered no one to touch those java apples or even to look at them. The king had enforced such a strict law after Andare ate half of a jackfruit that was for the king. Knowing that the king ordered no one to touch or even look at those fruits, Andare felt challenged. So, he thought of a plan…

Funny Stories of Andare 2: How Andare Arranged A Meeting Between the Queen and His Wife - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 2 - how andare pranked the queen / how andare arranged a meeting between the queen and his wife

Once upon a time, there was a man called Andare in Sri Lanka. He was the jester in the court of the Sinhalese King in the Kandyan Kingdom. Andare used to amaze everyone in the court and in the palace with his hilarious pranks. He once pranked the ministers, even the king himself. So, the queen wanted to meet the lady who lives with this funny man. Therefore, one day the Queen asked Andare to arrange a meeting with his wife.

“Andare, I would like to meet your wife. Could you arrange a meeting for me?”

Funny Stories of Andare 1: How Old Andare Defeated a Giant! - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 1 - how old andare defeated a giant

Once upon a time in Sri Lanka, there was a man called Andare. He was an extremely funny, cunning, and intelligent person who could grab the slightest chance in any situation and make that an advantage for himself. However, Andare has never been in a battle with anyone. He only defeated others with his words and tricks off the battleground. So, the king wanted to see what Andare would do in a battle. Therefore, the king arranged a special battle for Andare. The king brought a giant…

Verdict of King Kakille - bedtime stories for kids - idiom stories - funny folktales - funny stories - moral stories - verdict of king kakille

A long time ago, there was a beautiful and prosperous kingdom with all the natural resources. The king of this kingdom was called Kakille. Though the kingdom was prosperous due to its richness in natural resources and good, hardworking people, the king was famous for his stupidity. On one unfortunate night, there was heavy rainfall. Due to the rain, a poor man’s house collapsed. He thought the mason who built the house was the one to take the blame for his house collapsing. So he decided to complain about this injustice to the king…

Like Kaluwa went to Marapana [Kaluwa Marapana Giya Wagey]

Kaluwa, a careless man who served at a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka, was running towards the temple, sweaty and exhausted, as told in the funny idiom story, like Kaluwa went to Marapana (Kaluwa Marapana Giya Wagey), brought to you by, the website that brings you free and quality bedtime stories for kids, moral stories, funny stories, folktales, and more.

Since ancient times, in most of the Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka, there are fellow men who serve the priests and stay in the temple. They do whatever the monks ask them to do and depend on the temple for food and shelter. Once upon a time, in one temple, there was such a man. His name was Kaluwa. He was quite famous in the village for his carelessness and silly actions.

As the Seven Gurus’ Cunjee Pot [Aandi Hath Denage Kenda Heliya Wage] - bedtime stories for kids - idiom stories - funny folktales - funny stories - moral stories - as the seven gurus' cunjee pot

Once upon a time, in ancient Ceylon, Seven gurus (gypsies) who were traveling on their own different paths met each other at an ambalama, where they chose to stay for the night. Ambalama is like a lodge, built for pilgrims, traders, and travelers to stay the night. So, the seven gurus who were traveling alone coincidentally met at such a place.Once they met at the Ambalama, they all recognized they were from the same community. They were all making a living by giving prophecies to people by looking at their palms or faces…