Like the Poles Cut for the River

Idiom Stories - Like the Poles Cut for the River |

Once upon a time, there was a family. The land they lived on was quite big and they had grown crops on it. But the problem was that they constantly got animals coming and eating out their crops. They did not have a good fence around the land. So, one day, the father was about to go to a forest uphill to cut down some trees to use as fence posts. Seeing his father go there, the son wanted to join. The father did not like the son coming with him, as the son often does foolish things. However, taking the promise of being smart instead of foolish, the father took the son with him.

Funny Stories of Andare 10: How Andare Ate Sugar Fooling the King! - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories - stories for andare 10 - how andare ate sugar fooling the king

One day, when Andare reported for his duties at the palace, he saw sugar on the mats left for drying under the sun. He wanted to taste the sugar. But he knew he couldn’t eat sugar from the mats, as they were for the king’s consumption. But Andare wasn’t the one who backed up. So, he pretended as if he did not know what was on the mats.

“My King, What are those on the mats?” …

Funny Stories of Andare 8: How Andare Ate Ripened Jackfruit That Was Allocated for the King - bedtime stories for kids - funny folktales - funny stories of andare - 8 - how andare ate ripened jackfruit that was allocated for the king

One day, as usual, Andare woke up early in the morning and departed to go to the royal court for duties. This day, a jackfruit from a tree by the side of the footpath had started to ripen. Its fresh and sweet smell was all over the place. While passing by this tree, Andare felt the smell of this ripened jackfruit. He recognized it was from a ripened jackfruit right away and looked around. He saw a jackfruit covered with a white cloth in a jackfruit tree…