Calabash Milk Rice

Fables for Kids - Calabash Milk Rice of the Fox and Rabbit - Storiesntales

Once upon a time, in a fertile forest, there lived a rabbit. He lived alone and happily in his tiny and cozy home under a mora tree. He came out early in the morning to get a sunbath from the first light. Then he hops around to find food. One day, a lonely fox came and asked if the bunny could make him his friend. The bunny took the fox as his friend. So, the bunny and the fox became friends.

The Donkey Who Did the Duty of the Dog

Storiesntales - Idiom Stories - The Donkey Who Did the Duty of the Dog

Once upon a time, there lived a Gamarala (a villager). This villager had a donkey for transporting his goods and a dog for protection. The donkey helped with taking heavy bags on his back for Gamarala. Carrying rice bags, vegetable bags, and sometimes Gamarala’s daughter were the duties of the donkey. The dog’s job was to protect Gamarala’s house from thieves. Otherwise, the dog was sleeping.

The Lion with a Bad Breath

Storiesntales - Folktales with Moral Lessons - The Lion with a Bad Breath

Once upon a time, there was a lion king in a large jungle. This jungle was quite different from others. This jungle had its own rules. Even the king, the lion, was not allowed to kill animals as he pleased. There was a protocol for taking someone’s life. No one was allowed to take the lives of others for fun. Only the carnivorous animals were allowed to take their lives for food. But they were not supposed to take more than they could eat for one meal. But this king was different. He always wanted to do whatever he wanted. But the rules forbid him. So he thought of a plan.

Two Sisters and the Wounded Bird

Storiesntales - Moral Stories for Kids - Two Sisters and the Wounded Bird

Once upon a time, there were two sisters living in a rural area. They both were married and lived with their husbands in two separate houses in the same village. One day, the elder sister visited her younger sister with her husband. The younger sister welcomed her elder sister warmly. She treated her sister and her husband to tasty food and beverages. Then they had a nice talk about life and many more. The elder sister noticed that everything at the younger sister’s place seemed to be going well. They had quite wealthy lives. So, the elder sister was waiting for the right time to ask about it.

The Shepherd and the Tiger

Moral Stories for Kids - The Shepherd Boy and the Tiger

Once upon a time, there lived a shepherd boy in a rural village. The village was situated near a vast, deep jungle. Most of the people in this village were farmers and shepherds. The shepherd boy was looking after a herd of goats at a grassland near the jungle at the end of the jungle. Meanwhile, other people were working on their farmlands and looking after their cattle and goats. One day, the bored shepherd boy thought of having some fun…

Like the Poles Cut for the River

Idiom Stories - Like the Poles Cut for the River |

Once upon a time, there was a family. The land they lived on was quite big and they had grown crops on it. But the problem was that they constantly got animals coming and eating out their crops. They did not have a good fence around the land. So, one day, the father was about to go to a forest uphill to cut down some trees to use as fence posts. Seeing his father go there, the son wanted to join. The father did not like the son coming with him, as the son often does foolish things. However, taking the promise of being smart instead of foolish, the father took the son with him.

The Man Who Left His Cat in the Jungle - Folktales for Kids 1: The Man Who Left His Cat in the Jungle - Folktales | Folktale Stories with Moral Lessons | Bedtime Stories for Kids

Once upon a time, in a village, there lived a man. He was married to a lady and they lived in a small house. They had a little cat. And it was a female cat. One day, when the wife came to the kitchen, the cat was caught eating dried fish. The lady scared the cat away. Time passed like this. At times, this cat brings her hunters inside the house and leaves them there. The lady never knew that cats show their love for humans by bringing food …

The Tiger Who Searched for a Man

Once upon a time, there was a tiger living in a jungle. The tiger lived there, thinking there was no one stronger than him in the entire world. Therefore, it walked around the entire jungle and scared off every animal. So, he lived as he pleased, doing whatever he wanted. One day, after having a good meal until his tummy was full, this tiger was happily lying under the shadow of a tree. In a while, the tiger heard someone calling him from the top of the tree. The tiger was wondering who had the guts to call him. So it looked up…