The Moving Mango

Once upon a time, in a vast green jungle, there lived a curious bunny named Luke. Luke woke up early in the morning, as usual. He was hungry. He stretched his legs out. Then he hopped to his favorite spot. It was the green carpet of grass with various herbs. Luke loved the grass with dew drops on it. He especially loved eating rosemary. So he was hopping around, enjoying his first meal of the day. Suddenly, Luke was stunned by what he saw. It was a moving mango!

“Whaaaat!” Luke exclaimed.

A big, ripened mango was moving through the grass. Luke was stuck, as he was out of surprise. He wanted to see the moving mango up close. Therefore, Luke walked slowly in the direction of the moving mango. When Luke went there, there was nothing. It was only the grass and various herbs. Luke finished his meal and went back to the jungle.

That day, Luke shared his exciting story of the moving mango with his friends. After listening to Luke, they were also curious about this mango. And they all loved eating mangoes. Because Luke’s friends were a monkey named Russell and a chipmunk named Joey. So they all decided to go back and see the moving mango.

Luke took the front. The other two followed him. Actually, Russell took Joey onto his shoulder. The three friends arrived at the grassland. 

“I was right there eating my favorite. Then, as I said, I saw the moving mango right there.” Luke pointed out his finger towards the grassy land.

“Let’s go and see…” Joey jumped on Russell’s shoulder.

“But I think we should stay here and watch,” Russell said.

“Oh, come on. We can’t see it from here.” Joey was clearly not happy to wait.

“Not here. Let’s go behind that tree and watch over from there. It is darker under the tree. So we won’t be seen by anyone. And Russell can climb up the tree and watch out.” Luke said.

The trio went behind the huge tree. Luke and Joey sat behind the huge roots of the tree. Meanwhile, Russell climbed up the tree, hid behind a bunch of leaves and looked for the mango. 

They spent a lot of time staring at the grassland, hoping for the moving mango to appear. After a while, the friends were about to turn back. Then, all of a sudden, Russell, who was sitting on a tree branch, saw something moving on the grass land over there. It was the moving mango!

Luke and Joey didn’t see it as they were sitting on the ground, hiding behind the tree. Now Joey is more curious. Because he was the only one who had not seen the moving mango. Therefore, he wanted to go closer and check. He jumped from behind the tree and hopped onto the grassland. 

“Joey! Wait!” Luke followed Joey, and Russell got down from the tree hurriedly and caught up with his friends.

Russell took the lead that time and showed the place where, in the grassland, the mango was moving here and there. But it wasn’t there anymore. 

“Where is it? How can it vanish like that? Is it magic?” That was Joey, who always believed in magic.

“Not again, Joey. It was a mango; we have seen it,” Russell said.

Luke said, “Maybe we scared it away.”

Russell replied, “Yeah, probably we did.”

Joy was silent, looking for it. He wanted to see it badly. All of a sudden, “Here it is!” Joey shouted.

It was the mango appearing from a hole in the ground.

Everyone was surprised by what they saw next. It was a porcupine coming out of his home. The mango had stuck on his back.

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