The First Jungle School

A long time ago, the world we live in today was a very different one. The world was full of wonders and magic in those times. And the world had a long time until we, mankind, appeared on it. Before that, many wonderful things happened all around the world. 

Just after all the animals appeared in the world, all the animals did not know how to live in this world. They did not know anything in this world. They did not know about trees, rain, drought, floods, or anything else. So, the good spirits had to teach them how to survive in the jungle. Therefore, the spirits opened a school for the animals in the jungle.

In this school, simple things like finding food, finding water, and making houses were taught. The animals loved going to school. They loved learning.

The wise spirits were first taught how to find water. All the animals learned how to find water in different parts of the world. Then the spirits taught them how to find food in the jungle. As time passed, the animals got bored of learning. Therefore, they started to skip school.

One evening, after finishing up the lesson, the spirit said that the lesson for the next day was going to be about making houses. The animals said good-bye to their teacher and left the school. On the way, some of them talked about how boring the school is for them.

“Now we know how to find food and water. What else do we have to know? I say we don’t have to go to school anymore.” The monkey said,.

“No. We shouldn’t skip school. We should learn how to make a house for us.” The Baya Weaver bird disagreed with the monkey.

“I think the monkey is right. Why would we need a house? We can spend the night on the trees like we all do now.” The koel bird said.

“I’m not going to school again anyway. I live in a cave. I don’t need a house.” The tiger said,.

“So, you guys are not coming to school again?”. The confused crow asked the others.

“Nah, that’s what we were saying. We won’t go to school again. We know enough. Why do we need to build a house anyway?” The monkey said that and laughed.

The baya weaver did not like the idea of skipping school. He said, “Well, if you guys don’t come to school again, fine. But I think we all should go to school. We don’t know what else there is to learn about, right?”

The crow, the chipmunk, and the squirrel were confused. The monkey asked them what they thought. “I think I’m going to go to school,” the squirrel replied. 

The crow was a little confused about this. It replied, “I don’t know yet.”

The chipmunk said, “I am too lazy to go to school. You guys go. I will see.”

Then the friends went on their separate ways and spent the night together. Then the next morning, only the baya weaver, squirrel, and crow were in the class. That day, the spirits taught them how to make a house on a tree. Because all of them were animals that lived in trees. The spirits taught them how to bring sticks from the trees and place them at the junctions of tree branches. The lesson had a lot of practical work. So, all of them were tired at the end of the day.

Then the next day, any of the baya weaver’s friends weren’t there to learn the lesson. The spirits taught how to use smaller fibers instead of sticks to build houses. After school, baya weaver went to find the squirrel and the crow to find out why they skipped school. Both the crow and the squirrel said they didn’t want to go to school. They complained that the lesson was so tiring. The baya weaver could not convince his friends to go to school. 

Then, the next day, the baya weaver also went to school alone. That day, the spirits taught me how to create rooms in a house. Then the next day, the baya weaver learned how to weave a house using small plant fibers. With him, a lot of other birds learned but none of his friends were there.

The next day, the spirits taught the birds how to make rooms in the house. As always, the baya weaver attended the school with some other birds. But the class was getting smaller day by day.

One day, only the baya weaver was in the school. The spirits taught him how to light the house in the dark. The baya weaver learned to catch fireflies and stick them on the walls of the house using clay. At the end of the day, the spirits said that the lesson for the next day was going to be how to create a cozy bed in a house.

After school, Baya Weaver went to his friends and told them how many things he had learned. He said how much his friends missed him. Listening to Baya weaver, the chipmunk and the squirrel were interested. Because they love to sleep. So they thought it would be nice to learn how to build a cozy bed.

So, the next morning, the chipmunk and the squirrel joined the baya weaver to go to school. The spirits taught them how to create a comfortable bed. They learned to find cotton fibers from a few different plants and trees. Then they learned how to make the bed with them. That day, the spirits announced that it was the last day of school. And they said everything they taught would come in handy in the future.

From that day on, all the animals in the world survived in the jungle using the knowledge they learned from the school of the jungle. The baya weavers have the most beautiful nexts. They make their nests hang from the tree branches. Their houses have several rooms and security steps. And also, they have comfortable beds and lights for the night. 

Then the squirrels make their houses on trees using rough sticks but they have good beds. But they don’t have any roofs. They don’t know how to make a roof or how to use tiny fibers. They did not go to school regularly.

Then the chipmunks make their houses with comfortable beds. But they do not know how to make a nest. They always have to find a tiny space, like a hollow tree. Because they only go to school for the lesson on making a cozy bed. 

Meanwhile, the crow only makes a house using sticks. Actually, the spirits taught them to make a house with sticks as a practice for making a beautiful and complete house like the baya weavers make. But the crow did not go to school after the first lesson. So the crow only knows to place sticks on trees and take them as its house. Crows don’t have roofs, separate rooms, doorways, or lights. 

As said, the tigers live in caves. The koels and monkeys do not have any houses. Because they don’t know how to make them. So, the koel bird lays eggs on crow nests.

Oh, the poor monkeys! The monkey did not learn. He thought knowing how to find food and water was enough. He laughed at others who decided to learn more.

So, after many years, the monkeys still don’t have houses. When it rains, they all get wet with their kids. Unlike birds, monkeys don’t have feathers that get wet. Every time it rains, the monkeys suffer. They think that they need to go to the baya weaver and learn how to make a house. But then the rain stops, and again, the monkeys become so arrogant that they think they don’t need to make a house. And they again get wet from the rain throughout the entire rainy season. They just sit on trees, shivering from the cold.

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