5 Animal Stories for Kids

Kids love animal stories. They love to listen to stories about talking animals, secret jungle gatherings, secret jungle traditions, and jungle expeditions of cute bunnies and bears. And they love them as bedtime stories, too. And they love stories they’ve never heard before. Fulfilling all of those needs, here are five never-heard animal stories for kids that you will only find here at storiesntales.com. Finally, in these stories, kids will meet their dreamy jungle with talking animals and all.

Reading is good. But listening to stories as kids is one of the best things that makes childhood beautiful. Therefore, we encourage parents to tell these stories to their kids. Happy storytelling time!

1. The Moving Mango

This story is about a moving mango. A bunny named Luke accidentally sees a mango moving across the grassland. The curious bunny and his friends spend their time trying to find this moving mango as it appears and disappears. This animal story will definitely make your kids laugh and will be a fine bedtime story.

5 Animal Stories for Kids - The Moving Mango - Storiesntales.com
The Moving Mango – Animal Story for Kids – Storiesntales

Once upon a time, in a vast green jungle, there lived a curious bunny named Luke. Luke woke up early in the morning, as usual. He was hungry. He stretched his legs out. Then he hopped to his favorite spot. It was the green carpet of grass with various herbs. Luke loved the grass with dew drops on it. He especially loved eating rosemary. So he was hopping around, enjoying his first meal of the day. Suddenly, Luke was stunned by what he saw. It was a moving mango! …read the full story, The Moving Mango

2. The Fox and the Moving Fruit

This story is about a fox who is plotting to catch the bunny mentioned in the story of the moving mango. This clever fox observes things happening around the bunny. Then he makes a plan to catch the bunny. Will the fox be successful? Will the bunny get into trouble? This exclusive story will also make a fine animal story for kids.

5 Animal Stories for Kids - The Fox and the Moving Fruit - storiesntales.com
The Fox and the Moving Fruit – Animal Story for Kids – Storiesntales

Once upon a time, in a vast jungle with all kinds of animals and plants, there lived a clever fox named Felix. Felix was always on the lookout for his next meal, and he had his eye on a plump rabbit named Luke. Luke was friends with a porcupine named Percy and they played together. Felix was observing Luke and Percy from a distance. Felix was always plotting to catch Luke. Seeing what Luke and Percy do with each other, Felix came up with a cunning plan. …read the full story, The Fox and the Moving Fruit

3. The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends

Glowy, the glowworm, lived in a little burrow beneath an oak tree. He often spent his time watching other animals play outside. But Glowy was shy to make friends and shy to go out. One day, three playful friends found Glowy. Will Glowy be friends with them? What happened that day? This exclusive story will make one of the best animal stories and one of the best bedtime stories for kids.

5 Animal Stories for Kids - The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends - storiesntales.com
The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends – Animal Story for Kids – Storiesntales

Once upon a time, there was a magical forest full of all kinds of plants and animals. In this forest, there was a tiny glowworm named Glowy. Glowy lived in a cozy little burrow beneath the roots of a majestic oak tree. especially the beautiful surroundings. Glowy lived alone in his house without going out much. The forest was vibrant with all sorts of animals. And sometimes, other animals would stop by the grassland in front of the glowy’s house and play. Yet Glowy hesitated to make friends. …read the full story, The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends

4. Ziggy the Lazy Ant

Ziggy the Lazy Ant is an exclusive story about a lazy black ant. Ants are not usually lazy. But Ziggy loved to sleep and eat all the time. But he did not like to work. What will happen to Ziggy? What will the ant queen do? This exclusive story will make a fine animal story as well as a moral story for kids.

5 Animal Stories for Kids - Ziggy the Lazy Ant - storiesntales.com
Ziggy the Lazy Ant – Animal Story for Kids – Storiesntales

Once upon a time, in a lively meadow, there was an ant colony full of clever, energetic, and hardworking black ants. One year, autumn was passing by. Winter was just around the corner. Therefore, the ants were getting ready for winter. Because ants always know the importance of preparation to survive the cold months to come. Every ant in the colony played an important role. And they all worked hard. Each ant thought that the survival of the colony was entirely on his or her shoulders. However, there was this one ant, Ziggy. …read the full story, Ziggy the Lazy Ant

5. Benny’s Sacrifice

Benny is a kind-hearted bear. He just turned five. In bear families in the jungle, they have secret traditions. Benny is about to follow such a secret bear tradition. What will it be? This exclusive story about Benny will be one of the best bedtime stories for kids, as well as one of the best animal stories for kids, with moral lessons too.

5 Animal Stories for Kids - Benny's Sacrifice - storiesntales.com
Benny’s Sacrifice – Animal Story for Kids – Storiesntales

Once upon a time, in a jungle, there were three best friends. Those were a rabbit named Remy, a deer named Daisy, and a tiny bear named Benny. All of them were the same age. They shared laughter and joy in their green paradise. One day, Benny shared some exciting news. It was about an adventure. Actually, it was a tradition in the Bear family.” …read the full story, Benny’s Sacrifice

All five stories above can be found only at storiesntales.com and brought to you for free. Our goal is to revive the wonderful tradition of storytelling and make the childhoods of younger generations filled with one good thing we had back then: storytime. We hope these stories will make wonderful stories for your kids who love animal stories. Feel free to act out scenes in the stories, adapt, and adjust scenes and dialogues as you wish. Enhance the storytime experience for your loving kids!

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