About Us

What do we offer at Storiesntales?

At Storiesntales, we offer you the ultimate destination by creating the best place for stories, with many categories to pick from.

Our categories include bedtime stories, fairy tales, moral stories, funny stories, scary stories, campfire stories, folktales, motivational stories, educational stories, and so on. When it comes to bedtime stories, we provide bedtime stories for kids based on their age group.

Storiesntales brings you unique original stories as well as classic stories and folktales from around the world. Regarding folktales, our specific aim is to bring you quality folktales that would rarely get your attention. And we provide insights on stories and storytelling on our blog, ‘tales & tips‘.

At last, no one is too old for a good story. Therefore, Storiesntales brings stories for adults too!

Our Mission: What do we do?

We believe that each story opens another door to the world for children. Reading or listening to tales can stimulate minds and provoke creativity, critical thinking, and human qualities such as kindness, love, and caring. And for what’s worth, we strongly believe that access to such a magnificent gift should be free and equal for anyone.

Additionally, we have noticed that parents or kids have spent a lot of time surfing several sources around the web to find different story types, due to the scarcity of all-in-one sources. And we understand that, due to busy lifestyles, parents may not have enough time to read firsthand and check if the stories are suitable for their children.

Taking all these facts and our values into consideration, we provide quality stories for kids and adults in many categories in one place for free.

Our Values: What do we stand for?

We value quality over quantity but we also consider quantity as one aspect of quality. Hence, stories for kids at storiesntales.com are carefully chosen, written, or adapted, ensuring their suitability for children.

Also, we value author rights to intellectual properties; therefore, we have chosen the hard but right path for filling this site with stories instead of the easy but wrong path. Therefore, all the stories that are on this site were either originally created by us or adapted from folklore.

Since stories are indeed a very important aspect of any kid’s life, regardless of the economic, cultural, social, or political status of their parents or caregivers, we value free and equal access to stories for everyone. Also, we value family bonds. Stories are one great tool that can be used to strengthen the bond between kids and their parents, grandparents, or caregivers.

Our Vision: What do we encourage you to do?

We humbly encourage you, the parents, to tell stories to your kids rather than facilitate them with our website or any source of stories to read alone.

Why? Because listening to a tale from parents, grandparents, or any adult with whom the children feel comfortable is a whole different experience for them than reading.

Storytelling has the benefit of strengthening human connections, as the storyteller and the children get to have lively discussions about the narrative. When kids hear stories rather than read them, they often have questions regarding the characters or events described. We believe that conversations between kids and the storyteller are worthwhile.

Further, the storyteller has the ability to enhance the experience by acting out gestures, acting out dialogues, and creating an atmosphere suitable for the story. And also, the storyteller can always use alterations or simplifications to stories to make them more relatable for their kids.

Given all of the benefits of storytelling, we suggest you read stories aloud to your children as often as possible. At least for bedtime stories. Here, we do not underrate reading by any means. Since almost everyone knows the value of reading, we wish to spread the word about the value and beauty of storytelling. Ultimately, as the Storiesntales team, we aim to revive the tradition of storytelling.

We value your support!

If you are reading this, that means we owe you a thank you. You have already supported us by visiting our site. By spreading the word about our site, Storiesntales, and encouraging your friends to use it, you can support us more in our journey to revive the storytelling tradition. Most importantly, you can support us by starting storytelling with your kids or grandkids if you haven’t already started!

Thank You!


Storiesntales team