Where Butterflies Got Their Colors

This exclusive animal story is only available here at storiesntales.com for all the parents out there who are putting in an extra effort to have a storytelling time with their kids. Reading is undeniably good. But storytelling is something else. We 90s kids had a good childhood filled with stories. We loved to listen to stories from our grandparents, parents, uncles, and aunts. Let’s revive that wonderful tradition of storytelling! Explore our free and quality moral stories, fairy tales, and animal stories as bedtime stories for kids. If you are looking for new and original fairy tales for kids, try this story. Tell this fairytale to your kids and leave a comment to let us know if they love it.

A long time ago, the world was full of magic and wonder. There were no humans or animals in this world. Only the trees, vines, and plants were here. But there was something else. Can you guess what it is? Yes, the fairies and good spirits! They were living in this world everywhere!

Those fairies and good spirits did not want to eat or drink anything. They were not like any man, woman, or animal we know. All the fairies could fly with their beautiful wings. All the spirits could disappear and appear anywhere they wanted. Those fairies and spirits spent their time moving here and there, enjoying the amazing world.

You know, the world without humans and animals was quite different. The world was full of trees, vines, and plants. But there were no flowers or fruits on them. Because there was no one to eat the fruits. So, there was no need for flowers or fruits in that world.

There were clean and clear rivers and streams running from the glacier mountains. But there was no rain. There was no drought, either. It was just perfect, like summer. Trees everywhere looked so green. And the sky was blue. And the sunrise and the sunset were yellow, orange, and red. The world we call earth was just black, green, or brown. The fairies and spirits visited every corner of the world and lived peacefully.

Thousands of years passed. The fairies and the spirits had seen all the world. They had been to every corner of the world. They had explored every dark cave in the world. There was nothing new left for them to explore. Because of that, the fairies got bored first. Because they were the ones who always flew somewhere. Spirits who used to just vanish and appear somewhere else did not want to do that anymore. They were all so used to their world. Soon enough, everyone started to talk about how bored they were.

One day, the fairies and the spirits in the world gathered together. They talked about how boring their lives were. And everyone wanted to do something about it. Finally, they discussed and decided to take the issue to higher powers. Fairies and spirits took the issue to the angels.

The angels listened to the complaint. They understood that the world had begun to be a boring place for the fairies and the spirits. So, the angels decided to give some powers to create new things to the fairies.

“Fairies and spirits of the world, we hear your problem. And we have decided to give fairies some power to make the world a wonderland again. But there are conditions.” Angels addressed the fairies and spirits.

“What are the conditions, dear angels?” fairies asked.

“With the power we give you, you can create anything you want. But you cannot undo it. Or you cannot destroy anything. You must be careful with what you create. What you do is all up to you.” Angels replied.

Fairies agreed to have the powers. Angels took a magic wand and made a wish. A wave of magic dust spread all over the world. Then every fairy had a magic wand in their hands.

“You just have to wish for what you want and wave the magic wand. But remember! Be mindful of what you do.” Angels advised the fairies.

Angels flew back to the sky. And fairies had powers. The fairies and spirits gathered and discussed what to create with the power they were given. Finally, fairies came up with the idea of creating animals. They flew around the world, creating different types of animals in different areas of the world. They first created animals such as rabbits, monkeys, parrots, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, goats, and cows.

At first, the animals seemed to play and move here and there for quite some time. Then they seemed to be in pain. moving here and there. These animals felt hungry, unlike the fairies and the spirits. So they needed to eat. The cows started to eat grass. The rabbits, goats, and deer followed the cows. The monkeys ate tree leaves. But the parrots, chipmunks, and squirrels did not eat grass. They kept making noises. So, the fairies created fruits for them all around the world. Then, for some time, it was quite okay in the world. Everything seemed nice.

Then, in a few days, the rotten fruits were everywhere. Hence, the world had started to look ugly. The fairies realized that making every tree bear fruit was not a good solution. So, they modified their creation. The fairies made a wish.

“May all the trees that have flowers blooming on them and only the flowers that shared pollen become fruits.”

In a few weeks after the new wish, the trees seemed to be bearing only the amount of fruit needed for the animals.

Again, another problem rose. In order to bear fruit from a flower, the flower needed to share its pollen with another flower. But there were no insects to fly from one flower to another at that time. So the fairies took the job. They flew into the flowers and collected pollen. Then again, they flew into another flower and dropped the pollen they had. This trick worked well. But the fairies were tired. They wanted the world to be a wonderful place. But they made it a workplace. So, the fairies needed another solution.

One fairy came up with a brilliant idea. What if they created an animal, like a fairy, to do what fairies do? The problem would be solved. So they created a new animal. It was a fly. It was tiny and had wings like fairies. Unlike fairies, they had tiny spikes on their bodies. Also, they felt hunger, just like the other animals. Hence, these new flies needed something to eat.

So, the fairies wished the flowers would produce nectar in them for these flies. And they made these flies feel full when they drank nectar. So, they would fly to flowers to drink nectar, and the spikes in their bodies would attract pollen. So, when they fly to another flower, they have done the job fairies did! Can you guess who were those mighty flies? It was the bees!

Looking at their last creation, fairies felt so happy. They thought they could rest and watch. But another issue came up. The bees did the job well. But they had a hard time finding flowers. Because at that time, all the flowers blooming on the trees were green in color. So, all the leaves and the flowers looked exactly the same. Fairies knew where the flowers were from experience. But the bees did not. Therefore, the plan was failing. That was when another fairy came up with a good solution.

“Let’s create a fly with a little of our power to carry colors to the flowers.” A fairy said so, and others agreed. So, the fairies created another special animal. It looked like a bee with bigger wings. They gave the wings many different colors. Can you guess how they did that?

The fairies took the colors from a rainbow. And they painted those colors on the wings of these new creatures. orange, yellow, red, blue, white, black—every color was there. Then all the fairies made a wish using their magic wand.

“Let these flies fly all around the world, bringing these colors to the flowers! May these flies drink flower nectar. And when they land on a flower, the colors on their wings will be on the flowers.” The fairies wished and waved the magic wands.

That was how every flower in the world got its colors. Do you know who those flies were who brought color to the flowers?

The flies who brought color were the butterflies.

Soon, the butterflies brought color to every flower in the world. So, the bees could easily find the flowers.

From that time on until today, the bees have been doing a special service to the world. Without them, there will be no fruits, no seeds, no root vegetables, and no seeds to sprout. So, without bees, all the animals and people will be starving. That is why we should remember that bees are the only fairies we can see!

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