5 Short and Funny Campfire Stories for Kids

Here are some of the best, short, and funny campfire stories for kids. I guess we all grew up hoping to go camping more times than we actually could. And when we go camping, it’s not just about living in the wild, catching fish, or having a barbecue in the wild. Without a good storytelling session sitting around the bonfire or inside the tent, it is not complete. Most importantly, kids love to hear stories and tell stories while sitting around a campfire. That’s why we invite you to read, memorize, adapt, and add extra spices to these stories and tell them to your kids on your next camping trip. Happy storytelling!

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 1: The story of the villager who found a way to go to heaven

This story is about a villager who discovered a way to go to heaven and how he took his family and friends into heaven. The story illustrates the life of this man, how he thinks, and how lucky he was to find a way to heaven. Then the story continues to have a funny ending. This would make a nice, short, and funny campfire story for kids.

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 1: The story of the villager who found a way to go to heaven

“Once upon a time, there was a man called Gamarala on an island called Lanka. On that island, there were so many villages. They were beautiful villages with a lot of greenery. In a village like that, there was this person called Gamarala. Like most of the villagers, Gamarala was also an innocent farmer. He cultivated paddy in his fields. One day, he woke up early and went to the paddy field. He saw that the paddy field had some marks. Gamarala looked closely.”

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Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 2: The story of the man who moved a huge rock boulder alone

This short and funny story is about a trickster who plays a man who wants to remove a huge rock boulder from his land. The story is from a story series called The Stories of Andare. He is believed to have lived in the 18th century in Sri Lanka as a court jester. Without a doubt, all the stories of Andare are hilarious, as his actions are highly unlikely to be predicted, and they are always about smart moves. Among all, this one with lifting a rock boulder is something out of the ordinary. You are welcome to check out the rest of the Andare stories too.

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 2: The story of the man who moved a huge rock boulder alone

“One day, Andare heard that a farmer had a huge problem. There was a huge rock boulder in the middle of the farmer’s paddy field. That rock had been trouble for a long time. The farmer lost a large area of his field due to this rock boulder. So, he wanted to move the rock out of his paddy field…”

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Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 3: The story of the foolish man who dreamed to buy a cart selling drumsticks (moringa pods)

This story is about a foolish man who was also poor and was dreaming of getting rich and it will make a nice, funny campfire story for kids and for adults too.

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 3: The story of the foolish man who dreamed to buy a cart selling drumsticks (moringa pods)

“Once upon a time, there was a foolish man in a village. He was a very poor man. But he worked hard. He worked at his paddy fields, Chena, and home garden. He cultivated all he could and made a living out of his cultivations. That was how he fed his wife and his son. He was an honest, innocent man. But, unfortunately, he was not that smart. One day, in the evening, this villager was sitting on the log placed in the front yard of his house. After having a tiring day, he sat there and kept thinking about his future…”

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Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 4: The Story of the man who bought a talking parrot

This story is short, but it never fails to bring up laughter. It is about a man who bought a parrot from a gypsy. The story will make a fine moral story for kids or even for adults too.

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 4: The Story of the man who bought a talking parrot

” … The man was happy. So he asked, “Well then, would you like a mango?”

The parrot said, “That’s right.”

The man bought a mango for the parrot. Then he asked, “Will my wife be happy if I buy her some flowers?”

“That’s right,” the parrot replied.

The man was happy. He was amazed by the parrot. He thought this parrot could not only talk but also be very smart. …”

Click here to read the full story>>

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 5: The Story of the ash pumpkin thief

The story of the ash pumpkin thief is an idiom. The story revolves around a farmer in a rural area who makes a living out of cultivating crops and recently finds out that one of the ash pumpkins from his garden has been stolen. The story shows how the man is going to catch the thief, bringing us to an unexpected end.

Funny Campfire Stories for Kids 5: The Story of the ash pumpkin thief

“… One day, Gamarala came to the Chena early in the morning as usual. He could see the ash pumpkin vine even before he entered the Chena. He had been looking at it for the last few weeks. So, he looked at the vine. But he did not see the ash pumpkin. He jumped the fence to the Chena. He went closer to the vine. There is no ash pumpkin; only the vine is there. It was there last evening when he went home. Now it’s not. “The ash pumpkin has been stolen! …”

Click here to read the full story>>

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