Benny’s Sacrifice

Once upon a time, in a jungle, there were three best friends. Those were a rabbit named Remy, a deer named Daisy, and a tiny bear named Benny. All of them were the same age. They shared laughter and joy in their green paradise.

One day, Benny shared some exciting news. It was about an adventure. Actually, it was a tradition in the Bear family.

Once a bear turns five, they must go on a challenging journey under the full moon. The successful bears gain the respect of the bear family. The challenge is to prove the bears are strong. The journey had a few challenges. Getting across thick bamboo forests, muddy areas, sloppy rocks, streams, misty woods, and climbing hills, collecting bee honey. Those were the things the bear should do. The final goal is to leave a scratch mark on an old oak tree on top of a mountain. The bears can only take one person with them. And that person was to be outside the bear family.

Benny chose Remy. Because Remy was wise and quick. Daisy’s mother did not allow Daisy to go out after sunset.

The night arrived. Benny’s uncles, aunts, cousins, the Bear family’s friends—everyone was there. Benny was so excited and confident. Benny and Remy started their journey when the moon rose in the sky.

The two walked through the jungle, with which they were familiar. Now the jungle they didn’t know was right in front of them. The two moved forward. The bats were flying in the sky. Owls were looking at Benny silently, perched on dried-out tree branches. The forest looked so soothing. Everything they saw was either dark shadows or faint yellow shades. Because the moon was shining.

They came in front of a stream. The moonlight was lighting the stream. The flowing water made patterns and sounds. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. In the distance, they could see their final destination.

The two friends drank clean water from the stream. Then they jumped from stone to stone and crossed the stream. After a while, they were standing in the huge bambo forest. So far, Benny has completed half of the journey. Meanwhile, something unexpected happened.

Fireflies brought them troubling news. Their dear friend Daisy is in trouble. Daisy had fallen into a pit and needed help. The final destination was right in front of Benny’s eyes. But his friend needed help. Benny took a long breath. 

“Thank you, fireflies. Please take us to our friend,” Benny said. Benny and Remy followed the fireflies. The fireflies took Benny far away. It was in a distant corner of the jungle. They found Daisy in a deep pit.

Benny was bigger and could stand on two legs. So he climbed down to the pit. Then he turned down. Daisy climbed onto Benny’s back and got out of the pit.

Daisy hugged Benny and thanked him with tearful eyes. Benny said, “It is what a friend does. A is the one who is there in need, Remy.”

The three friends moved away from that area quickly. Because the moon was right above them. It was midnight. Midnight is the time when hunters come to the jungle to check their traps.

On the way back, Benny was so silent. Daisy and Remy were sad about Benny. There was no time to complete the challenge. “What’re you going to do now?” Remy asked Benny.

“Just go home,” Benny replied. At dawn, Benny, Remy, and Daisy came near Benny’s home. Benny stood still at the gate. “You guys go home. I’ll be alright! And I am happy I could help you, Daisy. It’s okay,” Benny said, trying to comfort his friends. Then he slowly walked in.

Everyone at Benny’s place was still there. They were looking at Benny as he walked in. Benny kept his head down and walked towards his room. He thought everyone was disappointed in him. But what Benny received was an unexpected hug!

Benny’s mother hugged Benny tightly and said, “I am proud of you, my son.”

Benny was so confused. He could not complete the challenge. Yet his mother says she is proud of him.

“We know, son. We know what you did. My little bear. You made us all proud.” Benny’s mother said.

Benny realized his mother knew what happened. It gave him tears. The happy tears. Benny hugged his mother back. Everyone appreciated what Benny did. Benny’s grandfather, uncles, aunts, cousins, bear family friends, everyone!

“A bear can go on an adventure twice. But no one can get a dead friend back. You did well. See you again, bear!” The owl, who was watching everything from the beginning, said Benny and flew home to sleep. Because the sun rose, lighting a new, proud day.

So, Benny, the kind hearted bear never completed the challenge? Click here to find out!

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