The Fox and the Moving Fruit

Once upon a time, in a vast jungle with all kinds of animals and plants, there lived a clever fox named Felix. Felix was always on the lookout for his next meal, and he had his eye on a plump rabbit named Luke.

Luke was a friendly fellow who loved hopping around the grasslands. He woke up early in the morning and went to the grassland. He loved to play on the grassland covered with dew drops. Luke had recently made a new friend, a porcupine named Percy. Despite his prickly appearance, Percy was very gentle and kind.

While Luke was happily eating the grass, Percy came to him with a mango perched on his back. That was to remind Luke about the funny incident they had a while ago. The funny incident was when Luke thought there was a moving mango. Percy often carried one on his back as a reminder of their friendship. And Luke often jumped towards the mango, knowing it was Percy.

Meanwhile, Felix was observing Luke and Percy from a distance. Felix was always plotting to catch Luke. Seeing what Luke and Percy do with each other, Felix came up with a cunning plan. “Oh yes. If I tie a mango on my back and pretend to be Percy, I can trick that delicious rabbit right into me,” Felix said to himself and laughed.

The next morning, Felix came near the grassland with the mango tied securely to his back. He waited in the tree like, hiding behind a bush until Luke comes. In a while, Luke came to the grassland and started wondering around filling his tummy with his favorite rosemary leaves. Luke’s pal Percy usually comes a few minutes after Luke comes. Therefore, Felix only had a few minutes to execute his plan. Because, if Percy sees him, his plan won’t work.

So, Felix slowly made his way through the grass, pretending to be Percy. Instead of walking, Felix crawled through the grassland to make him look shorter like Percy.

But Percy, who woke up early that day, slowly came out of his house, looking for any threats. Percy’s sharp eyes spotted Felix. And of course, Percy saw the mango on his back and the crawling. Percy realized the fox’s evil plan.

Thinking quickly, Percy knew he had to save his friend. And Percy wanted to teach Felix a lesson. He carefully walked around and reached Luke without getting spotted by Felix. Felix, craving the rabbit, forgot to watch out for Percy. Using his holes and secret hidden tunnels, Percy reached Luke and told him about Felix’s trickery.

Hearing that, Luke was about to run away. But Percy stopped Luke. “Do you trust me, my friend?” Percy asked.

“Yes, Percy, you already saved my life by warning me. I trust you. Now I must run and save myself,” Luke said.

“Hear me out first.” Percy explained his plan to Luke and asked him to do exactly as he said. Though scared, Luke trusted Percy and did as he was told. Luke slowly moved towards Felix. Percy closely followed behind. As Luke came closer and closer, Felix couldn’t wait any longer. He sprang forward, ready to pounce on Luke.

But Luke prepared for the attack, turned, and jumped behind Percy. Percy, lying low, swiftly turned his back to the oncoming fox. Then he spread his spikes all over.

With a loud yelp, Felix landed on Percy’s spikes. Felix couldn’t understand what just happened. His chest, neck, and mouth were prickled all over by the sharp quills. He screamed in pain and ran away, never looking back.

“Thank you for saving me, Percy!” Luke thanked Percy for his bravery. “Sorry about your lost spikes,” Luke said.

“A few spikes of mine for the life of my friend! Totally worth it,” Percy replied with a smile. Luke was happy because Percy was his friend, and Percy saved him from the fox. Percy was happy because he could save his friend Luke from the fox.

“You know I could hug you now,” Luke said.

“Not a good idea, Luke! Didn’t you see the running fox?” Percy said. Both laughed while lying on the grass.

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