The Seven Siblings

Once upon a time, there were seven siblings. The eldest of them was called Red. The second-eldest of them was called Orange. The thirteen eldest of them were called Yellow. Then the fourth child was called Green, the fifth one was called Blue, the second youngest sibling was called Indigo and the youngest of them all was called Violet.

They were living in a huge, hot ball of fire, surrounded by vast darkness. They lived a long time in that huge, hot ball of fire. First, they lived a long time inside that ball. And after thousands of years, they finally came to the surface. For them, living there anymore was boring.

One day, the seven siblings saw a tiny ball going around them so far in the dark sky. It was blue in color. The seven siblings were already bored from living in the same place for the entire time. Therefore, they decided to leave their home and go to the tiny blue dot in the sky.

The next day, the seven siblings gathered. “No matter where we go, we must stick together. Do you understand?” The eldest of them all, Red, said.

“Yes, we must,” said Orange.

“I will; I am a little scared,” said the youngest sibling, Violet.

“Don’t worry, Violet. As long as we stay together, we will be alright,” Red said.

The seven siblings stood in a queue. Red took the front. Behind Red, Orange was standing, grasping onto Red’s waist. Then Yellow stood behind Orange, grabbing Orange’s waist. Like that, everyone grabbed the waist of the sibling in front of them and held tight.

“Everyone ready?” Red asked.

“Yes, we are ready,” everyone said at once.

“Here we go.” Red started floating into the sky. Following Red, every other sibling was floating into the sky. They were so fast. They traveled through the dark sky for 3 minutes. Then they saw a big, gray ball and went past it. Then, in another 3 minutes, they saw a yellow-white ball bigger than the last one. They went through it too. Then they could see their destination a little bigger. They kept floating fast. They were floating directly at it.

In another 2 minutes and 20 seconds, they could see that tiny blue dot, which was a lot bigger. That tiny blue dot is now a huge paradise. The seven siblings saw mountains, lakes, green forests, elephants, and giraffes.

“Look, there is a tiny child playing in the yard. Orange shouted.

“Wow, this is so beautiful,” Red said.

Suddenly, something unexpected happened. The seven siblings hit on something. It was a curtain of tiny water droplets. The seven siblings were very tiny when kept closer to the water droplets. And they were hit hard. They were traveling so fast, too. Therefore, they could not hang on to each other anymore. The seven siblings got separated. 

The youngest sibling, Violet, was bounced first. Because Violet was the lightest one. Then Indigo bounced away. But Indigo did not go that far, like Violet. Because Indigo was a little heavier than Violet. Like that, all seven siblings crashed into the water droplet curtain in the sky and bounced away. As the eldest sibling, Red was heavy. Therefore, Red did not bounce away that much. This way, from the heaviest sibling to the lightest sibling, the seven siblings bounced off separately from the water curtain. How sad. But something amazing happened too.

Then all of them reached the beautiful eyes of the kid who was playing outside. The seven siblings filled the eyes of the kid with seven beautiful colors.

“A rainbow!” the child shouted happily.

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