Funny Stories of Andare 2: How Andare Arranged A Meeting Between the Queen and His Wife

The stories of Andare revolve around a court jester who lived in Sri Lanka. Andare was a person who had the ability to turn any situation into his favor with his riddles and poetic verses that amazed the people around him. Most of the stories of Andare are ideal as funny stories, campfire stories, or even bedtime stories for kids. So, the funny stories of Andare are definitely to be included in the collection of folktales from around the world. This story of how Andare arranged a meeting between his wife and the queen is one of the many that would make you laugh.

Once upon a time, there was a man called Andare in Sri Lanka. He was the jester in the court of the Sinhalese King in the Kandyan Kingdom. Andare used to amaze everyone in the court and in the palace with his hilarious pranks. He once pranked the ministers, even the king himself. So, the queen wanted to meet the lady who lives with this funny man. Therefore, one day the Queen asked Andare to arrange a meeting with his wife.

“Andare, I would like to meet your wife. Could you arrange a meeting for me?” the Queen asked.

“Of course, my lady. After my king releases me from my duties for the day, I will go home and ask my wife to prepare for the meeting, and I will let you know, my lady,” Andare replied politely.

“Excellent!” the queen said.

“But, my lady, I should tell you. There is a minor issue.” Andare said.

“What is it, Andare?” the Queen asked.

“My wife’s hearing is quite low. Your majesty may want to talk a little louder with her. She talks a little louder when she can’t hear what others are saying,” Andare replied.

“Oh! Is it so? That’s okay, Andare. I will keep that in mind,” the queen replied.

Then Andare went home at the end of his duties for the day and informed his wife about the Queen’s request.

When the day arrived, Andare accompanied his wife to the palace to meet the queen. After introducing his wife to the queen, Andare left them to talk alone.

In a while, everyone in the palace, including the king, started to hear a loud noise. The king himself and the rest of the people thought there was a fight going on.

“What is that noise? Who is shouting? Go and check  that.” The king sent a man to check on what was happening.

The man returned and said, “The noise you are hearing is the queen and some lady having a conversation, my king.”

The king rushed there to see what was happening. It was the queen and Andare’s wife. The queen and Andare’s wife are talking so loud, not being second to anyone. Every time, one of them is louder than the other one. The king and the rest were watching the sight with awe in their faces.

Soon, the noisy conversation between the queen and Andre’s wife started to irritate each other.

The queen asked, “Why are you so loud?”.

“Andare said your hearing is low, my lady,” Andare’s wife replied.

“What! He said- what?” Queen got a little angry.

“He told me your hearing is low,” the queen said.

Both of them realized they were being pranked by Andare. Andare had told her wife the same thing he told the Queen about his wife’s low hearing. He had told her wife to speak loudly with the queen. The king and the rest of the people who were watching this scene laughed so hard and mimicked “Andare is the man”.

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