Funny Stories of Andare 3: How Andare Ate Java Apple Using a Loophole in King’s Order

The stories of Andare hold a special place in Sinhalese folklore, maybe even among the folktales from around the world. Every Sinhalese knows who Andare is, knows at least one story of Andare, and has heard more than one. Parents tell stories of Andare as bedtime stories for kids. And when children in extended families get together, the adults, mostly the grandfathers, tell stories to the grandchildren. At those times, among many other stories, Stories of Andare have a place. Because he is the funniest folktale character in Sinhalese folklore, and his stories are ideal as funny stories for kids and adults. The story of how Andare ate Jambu (Java Apple) is one of such funny stories.

Once upon a time, there was a man called Andare in the royal court. He was the court jester appointed by the king. Andare did not fear anyone. He pranked ministers, the queen, and even the king himself. He found loopholes in anything—any law, any order, any word given by anyone—and he took advantage of them and mocked the thoughtless acts of others with his riddles and poetic verses and actions.

One day, Andare was walking around the courtyard of the king. There was a Java apple tree full of fruits in the royal garden. By seeing the healthy and well-ripened red java apples, Andare wished to eat them. But the king had ordered no one to touch those java apples or even to look at them. The king had enforced such a strict law after Andare ate half of a jackfruit that was for the king. Knowing that the king ordered no one to touch or even look at those fruits, Andare felt challenged. So, he thought of a plan to go around the king’s orders and eat Jambu.

Andare hurried to the palace where the cotton knitters were working and asked for a strip of cloth from them. Then he went back to the court yard. He stood in front of the Jambu tree without looking at them. Then he took the strip of cloth and covered his eyes with it. Then he kept his hands behind his back and walked towards the tree until the hanging fruits hit his face. Next, he ate all the Jambu fruits that hit his face by moving here and there under the tree until he was satisfied.

In the evening, the king took a walk through his garden and saw that some Java apple fruits were missing. The king was angry that someone had broken his specific orders. He ordered the guards to catch the thieves and went back to the palace.

The next day, while engaging in royal duties, Andare felt like eating a Java apple. So, he took a break and went to the tree. He covered his eyes with a strip of cloth and placed his hands behind his back. Then he reached out to the tree and started eating. Meanwhile, the guards who were on alert under the king’s direct orders to catch the thief were watching Andare. They caught Andare eating Jambu and took him to the king.

After hearing out to the guards, the king had his face red. He was so angry that Andare went against his orders. “This time, no excuses for you, Andare! No mercy! I order to give you hundred lashes,” the king said.

“Forgive me, my king, but I didn’t break any rules,” Andare said.

“How can you say you did not break any rules? You ate those java apples when I had strictly ordered not to touch them, not even to look at them,” the king said.

“Yes, my king. You ordered not to touch Jambu fruits, not even to look at them. I didn’t touch or look at them. So, I haven’t broken any laws, my king. If you punish me, you are punishing an innocent man,” Andare said.

“Show me how you ate Jambu without touching them or even looking at them,” the king asked Andare.

Andare got the strip of cloth, covered his eyes, kept his hands on his back and showed the king how he ate Jambu by eating a few in front of the king. The king realized he had been tricked by Andare and was amazed by how Andare had found a way to eat Jambu. So, the king had a good laugh and gave him presents and a bag full of Java apples to take home instead of a hundred lashes.

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