19 Authentic and Original Bedtime Stories for Kids

Here you will find one of the best collections of bedtime stories for kids. Regardless of geography or culture, storytelling is a wonderful tradition that humans have inherently. Nobody is too old to hear a story. But when it comes to children, we all know they love stories. Some children enjoy reading them, while others prefer listening to them. As adults, it is our duty to provide them with quality stories.

All of the bedtime stories listed here are authentic, unique, and exclusive stories written by our authors, particularly for children. The following bedtime stories may contain moral lessons tied with the storylines, but they will not provide direct advice to the listener. If you are looking for folktales from around the world as bedtime stories for kids, or if you are specifically looking for moral stories as bedtime stories for kids, you will find those under the relevant categories. All the stories and characters are fictional.

We encourage you to sit by your kids at bedtime and tell the stories to them. Feel free to use your imagination and adapt and act out scenes to your locale to enhance the experience of bedtime storytime for your kids. Children won’t stay as children forever! Let’s make their childhood a little more beautiful by reviving the storytelling tradition we experienced back then as kids. Also, it is a proven fact from scientific research that bedtime stories help develop children’s vocabulary, understanding of the world, and social skills. Therefore, we kindly encourage the adult viewers of this site to use our content and be storytellers for your kids.

Bedtime Stories for Kids 1: The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | social story | fairy tale

This story revolves around a few animals in a forest. Each animal character in this story is carefully developed to represent the vivid and diverse nature of kids in classrooms. A glowworm, a squirrel, and twin rabbits are the main characters in this story. The glowworm is a shy one who usually stays inside the house. But he likes to go out and make friends, yet he is so shy that he won’t do that. One day things change when accidentally the other 3 characters encounter the glowworm. The glowworm learns that making friends and having friends is not that hard after all. The squirrel plays a responsible and understanding role among the characters.

“Once upon a time, there was a magical forest full of all kinds of plants and animals. In this forest, there was a tiny glowworm named Glowy. Glowy lived in a cozy little burrow beneath the roots of a majestic oak tree.

Despite the beautiful surroundings, Glowy lived alone in his house without going out much. The forest was vibrant with all sorts of animals. And sometimes, other animals would stop by the grassland in front of the Glowy’s house and play. Yet Glowy hesitated to make friends. Glowy would often hide behind tree leaves and bark, watching other animals play and have fun. Because he was shy.”

Click here to read the full story, The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends

Bedtime Stories for Kids 2: King Albert and the Prophecy

Bedtime Stories for Kids - King Albert and the Prophecy - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | historical fiction | moral story

This story revolves around a king who believes in prophecies over knowledge and facts and got into trouble. All the characters include people. 

“Once upon a time, there lived a king named Albert. He was the king of Alberia. Alberia was a prosperous country. All the men and women in Alberia worked hard alongside its past rulers to make it a glorious country. This country was a paradise with a king. The king had wise ministers who were well educated. They advised the king to govern the country. One day, strange news came to the palace. It was about a prophet who sees the future.”

Click here to read the full story, The King Albert and the Prophecy

Bedtime Stories for Kids 3: The First Jungle School

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The First Jungle School - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story | fairy tale

The first Jungle School is a story about a school for animals in the jungle that was there at the beginning of the world. All the characters included are fairies and animals. The story brings us an interesting narrative about the consequences of skipping school. All the morals, advice, and lessons are carefully planted within the narrative, ensuring a funny and engaging storyline.

“A long time ago, the world we live in today was a very different one. The world was full of wonders and magic in those times. And the world had a long time until we, mankind, appeared on it. Before that, many wonderful things happened all around the world. Just after all the animals appeared in the world, all the animals did not know how to live in this world. They did not know anything in this world. They did not know about trees, rain, drought, floods, or anything else.”

Click here to read the full story, The First Jungle School

Bedtime Stories for Kids 4: Benny’s Sacrifice

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Benny's Sacrifice - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Benny’s Sacrifice is the story of a bear named Benny. All the characters included are only animals and each character is representative of the family tree of humans. A story has a moral lesson that lies with the narrative. Decision-making, choosing between things, and understanding priorities are the areas that are touched by the storyline. The story is fully equipped with secrets of the jungle, talking animals, traditions among animals, and descriptions of picturous environments.

“Once upon a time, in a jungle, there were three best friends. Those were a rabbit named Remy, a deer named Daisy, and a tiny bear named Benny. All of them were the same age. They shared laughter and joy in their green paradise. One day, Benny shared some exciting news. It was about an adventure. Actually, it was a tradition in the Bear family.”

Click here to read the full story, Benny’s Sacrifice

Bedtime Stories for Kids 5: Starry Dreams of Lily

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Starry Dreams of Lily - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | fairy tale | moral story

Starry Dreams of Lily is a fairy tale story about a little girl named Lily who believes that fairies are real. The story unfolds as this girl has a dreamy experience in a magical forest. All the characters included are fairies, animals, and magical plants and trees. The storyline mainly focuses on providing a soothing fairy tale for kids. However, certain important messages about life and social connections are included in the storyline.

“Once upon a time, in the heart of North Carolina, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily had an extraordinary gift. She believed in the magic of fairy tales. Every night, before she closed her eyes, she looked out her window at the forest and the mountains. And she really believed that there were fairies and magical forests, as told in the tales. So, when she fell asleep, imagining the magical lands, she dreamed about them. All the magical creatures she would imagine would be in her dreams. That was her gift.”

Click here to read the full story, Starry Dreams of Lily

Bedtime Stories for Kids 6: William and His Good Deeds

Bedtime Stories for Kids - William and His Good Deeds - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | fairy tale | moral story

A story about a kind-hearted boy living with his grandmother in the countryside comes as the story of William and His Good Deeds. All the characters included are people as well as animals. The story line has slight touches of magical scenes. The underlying message is that doing good can sometimes be the hardest thing but it is important to do good.

“Once upon a time, in a small house in the countryside near the distant mountains, grassy lands, and forests, there lived a little boy named William. He was a kind-hearted boy. His parents passed away in an accident. So, he lived with his grandmother. William was a lovely son to his grandmother. And he was a helpful and kind person to everyone. Not only to people, but to animals too.”

Click here to read the full story, William and His Good Deeds

Bedtime Stories for Kids 7: Bunny and the Sticky Dummy

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Bunny and Sticky Dummy - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Bunny and the Sticky Dummy is a story that revolves around a smart fox and a rabbit. The smart fox plans a way to catch a rabbit. And the rabbit falls into the trap. All the characters included are only animals. The characters and the storyline represent the situations among people in real life in an interesting narrative.

“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful jungle. In this jungle, there were various types of trees and vines. And those trees and vines had colorful flowers. And they produced a large variety of tasty fruits. Also, this jungle had so many streams and a river with wonderful waterfalls. Not to forget the grasslands. So, this jungle was an absolute heaven. All the animals enjoyed living in this heavenly jungle, where there were a lot of animals. Among them, there was a smart fox. “

Click here to read the full story, Bunny and the Sticky Dummy

Bedtime Stories for Kids 8: The Moving Mango

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The Moving Mango - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | funny story | animal story

The Moving Mango is a funny story that revolves around a curious rabbit and his friends in the Jungle. All the characters included are animals and the scenes take place in the jungle. The scenes of the story and the characters of the story are depicted to ensure engaging content and a happy ending by arousing curiosity and imagination.

“Once upon a time, in a vast green jungle, there lived a curious bunny named Luke. Luke woke up early in the morning, as usual. He was hungry. He stretched his legs out. Then he hopped to his favorite spot. It was the green carpet of grass with various herbs. Luke loved the grass with dew drops on it. He especially loved eating rosemary. So he was hopping around, enjoying his first meal of the day. Suddenly, Luke was stunned by what he saw. It was a moving mango!”

Click here to read the full story, The Moving Mango

Bedtime Stories for Kids 9: Benny Reaches the Top

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Benny Reaches the Top - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Benny Reaches the Top is the second part of the story, Benny’s Sacrifice. In the first story, Benny makes a sacrifice and for that, he receives another chance to achieve something important to him. All the characters included are animals only, and all the scenes take place in the jungle. Within the engaging narrative, valuable life lessons are included. The story focuses on friendships, decision-making, and perspectives of seeing the world.

“Once upon a time, in a deep jungle, there lived a kind-hearted bear named Benny. Once a bear turns five, he must go on an expedition. It was a test for the bears to prove that they are strong. He departed on the journey and he went halfway through. Then he got the troubling news that one of his friends was in trouble. So he had to give up the journey and help his friend. The day after Benny had to abandon the challenge, Benny was at home all day. He did not feel like going out. Benny knew he did the best thing he could do. But he had been waiting so many days for this expedition. So, he was upset. Meanwhile,..”

Click here to read the full story, Benny Reaches the Top

Bedtime Stories for Kids 10: Red Hen and the Little Chick

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Red Hen and the Little Chick - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Red Hen and the Little Chick is a story about a little chick who gets lost in a sudden rain and flood. All the characters included are animals. The storyline focuses on delivering a heartwarming story with a happy ending. The story focuses on highlighting the bond between children and parents and the fact that animals also have feelings.

“Once upon a time, there was a red hen. She had a little cub. The name of this tiny chick was Panchi. When Panchi was able to walk, her mother took her to find food. Red hens teach Panchi how to find food and how to eat food. One day, the red hen and panchi left their home to find food. Panchi always waited right behind her mother. She followed her mother and learned to pick insects, worms, and seeds from the ground. While she was learning, a heavy rain started to fall. All of a sudden, a big, muddy water flow came.”

Click here to read the full story, Red Hen and the Little Chick

Bedtime Stories for Kids 11: Music From the Forest

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Music from the Forest - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time

Music From the Forest is a story that revolves around a boy who loved music but was prohibited from learning music due to his social caste. All the characters included are people and all the characters and scenes are fictional and chosen only for the purpose of creating an engaging story. So any of the mentioned names, places, or cultures have nothing to do with the storyline. . The storyline brings us a hearttouching end while highlighting some socio-cultural issues that existed in ancient societies and even today in some regions of the world.

“Once upon a time, in China, a boy was born into a poor farming family. The boy was named Chen Xiao. In those times, no one could go against the caste system. Children got their parents’ caste and their job. So, this little boy was born to be a farmer. Chen Xiao did not have any siblings. He was the only child. Before he was grown enough to help his parents with farming, Chen used to go to the musician’s house in the village. Actually, he did not go inside the house. He stayed at the front gate and sat there on the ground.”

Click here to read the full story, Music from the Forest

Bedtime Stories for Kids 12: Ziggy the Lazy Ant

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Ziggy the Lazy Ant - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Ziggy the Lazy Ant is a story about an ant colony with a lazy ant and ignorant ants. All the characters included are only ants. The storyline depicts how important it is to do individual parts correctly to thrive or survive as a whole. This story brings us the importance of individual contribution in teamwork and the importance of taking action against the ones who neglect their responsibilities.

“Once upon a time, in a lively meadow, there was an ant colony full of clever, energetic, and hardworking black ants. One year, autumn was passing by. Winter was just around the corner. Therefore, the ants were getting ready for winter. Because ants always know the importance of preparation to survive the cold months to come.”

Click here to read the full story, Ziggy the Lazy Ant

Bedtime Stories for Kids 13: Proud Trees and Delicate Vine

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Proud Trees and the Delicate Vine - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | social story

Proud Trees and the Delicate Vine is a story around a vine and trees. All the characters included are trees, vines, and plants. The characters and the narrative represent the human society and its characters. The story focuses on delivering an important message about respecting others and being humble.

“Once upon a time, in the heart of a greenwood forest, there was a community of redwood trees. The giant redwoods stood tall and majestic, kissing the sky and receiving the last kiss from the sun every day at sunset. Among the towering redwoods, there was a small vine named Ivy. Ivy was not like the other trees in the forest.”

Click here to read the full story, Proud Trees and the Delicate Vine

Bedtime Stories for Kids 14: Glowy Saved the Day

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Glowy Saved the Day - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Glowy Saved the Day is part 2 of the story, The Shy Glowworm and Three Friends. This story revolves around an incident where a squirrel cub went missing and the friends of squirrels joined the search and rescue party. All the characters included are animals only and all the scenes take place in the jungle. The story delivers important messages about social skills, self-confidence, self-esteem, and learning.

“One day, Glowy was seen by a squirrel named Tom and his two rabbit friends called Andy and Mandy. And after some interesting time, Glowy became friends with them. Since Glowy became a friend of the trio, they all played together when they could. Their lives were filled with laughter and joy. One day, in the evening, the rabbit named Andy came running towards the oak tree and called Glowy.”

Click here to read the full story, Glowy Saved the Day

Bedtime Stories for Kids 15: Reckless Monkeys and the Party

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Reckless Monkeys - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | animal story | moral story

Reckless Monkeys and the Party is a story about a group of monkeys that carelessly throw a party in the jungle and get into trouble. All the characters included are animals and all the scenes are in the jungle setting. The story focuses on careful use of limited resources.

“Once upon a time, in a deep jungle, there were four monkeys: Jill, the eldest; Bill, the youngest; and siblings Phil and Will. They lived as they pleased without a care. One day, when all four of them were eating wild bananas, Jill came up with the idea to throw a party. He shared his idea with his pals as well as other monkeys in the forest. Everyone agreed to have a feast with a lot of food. The monkeys went through the jungle, sweeping it for fruits and leaves. Anything they could find, they grabbed them all.”

Click here to read the full story, Reckless Monkeys

Bedtime Stories for Kids 16: The Fox and the Moving Fruit

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The Fox and the Moving Fruit - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | funny story | animal story

The Fox and the Moving Fruit is the second part of the story, The Moving Mango. This story revolves around the attempt made by the fox to catch the rabbit who saw the moving mango. All the characters included are animals and all the scenes take place in the jungle. Story focuses on delivering a funny story using animal characters while slightly touching on areas such as smart thinking and friendship.

“Once upon a time, in a vast jungle with all kinds of animals and plants, there lived a clever fox named Felix. Felix was always on the lookout for his next meal, and he had his eye on a plump rabbit named Luke. Luke was a friendly fellow who loved hopping around the grasslands. He woke up early in the morning and went to the grassland. He loved to play on the grassland covered with dew drops. Luke had recently made a new friend”

Click here to read the full story, The Fox and the Moving Fruit

Bedtime Stories for Kids 17: The Lucky Woodcutter

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The Lucky Woodcutter - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time

This story is about a woodcutter who encounters a tree spirit while cutting trees in the jungle. All the characters included are people and a tree spirit. The story tells us a story about being able to find a better way if we try enough.

“Once upon a time, there lived a woodcutter in a small village. He used to make a living by cutting down wood from the nearby forest and selling it as bundles. One day, this woodcutter walked through the jungle, looking for a suitable tree to cut down. Finally, he chose a huge tree on a river bank. Then he started to cut the tree down. But, accidentally, the axe slipped out of his grip.”

Click here to read the full story, The Lucky Woodcutter

Bedtime Stories for Kids 18: Seven Siblings

Bedtime Stories for Kids - The Seven Siblings - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | educational story

The Seven Siblings is a story about one of the beautiful natural phenomena. Story illustrates the scientific facts behind this natural occurance in an interesting narrative. All the characters included are children and certain non-living things are represented as living beings as needed for the storyline.

“Once upon a time, there were seven siblings. The eldest of them was called Red. The second-eldest of them was called Orange. The thirteen eldest of them were called Yellow. Then the fourth child was called Green, the fifth one was called Blue, the second youngest sibling was called Indigo and the youngest of them all was called Violet. They were living in a huge, hot ball of fire, surrounded by vast darkness.”

Click here to read the full story, The Seven Siblings

Bedtime Stories for Kids 19: Where Butterflies Got their Colors

Bedtime Stories for Kids - Where Butterflies Got Their Colors - storiesntales.com

for kids of age 3-10 | 5 minutes of reading time | fairy tale

Where Butterflies Got Their Colors is a story about the time in the world when animals first appeared. All the characters included are fairies, angels, and animals. This fairy tale takes us into a whole different magical world. And the story tells us about how the butterflies have such a vibrant and gorgeous appearance.

“A long time ago, the world was full of magic and wonder. There were no humans or animals in this world. Only the trees, vines, and plants were here. But there was something else. Can you guess what it is? Yes, the fairies and good spirits! They were living in this world everywhere!”

Click here to read the full story, Where Butterflies Got Their Colors

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